Export Business:
Afteryears of development, the company has signed booking agency agreementwith MAERSK, COSCO, EVERGREEN, K-LINE, WAN HAI, YANG MING, UASC, CMA andKMTC, etc. and has also established close and good partnership with allshipping companies. Through long-term cooperation, Malvern hasabsolute advantage in lines for Middle East, India & Pakistan redsea, Mediterranean, Europe, Australia, Africa, Southeast Asia, NorthAmerica, Central and South America, Caribbean, Japan & Korea etc.shipping lines after the long time cooperation with those shippingcompanies.
Containerexporting business is the traditional advantageous project of Malvern.Malvern has professional operation team who are familiar with theport, customs, inspections and quarantine procedures to ensure that yourgoods can be exported smoothly and timely.
Import Business:
ImportDept. of the company mainly engages in import procedures including shipbooking, customs clearance and inspection, storage and transportationetc, of Sulphur, Ore, Chemicals, Woods, Pulp, Large machinery &equipment, and Cotton yarn etc. The company can also provide door todoor logistics service for customers based on its comprehensive overseasagent network.